Storage Area Manager and SMA Implementation
11Using Storage Area Manager on the Storage Management Appliance Application Notes
Network View and Storage Allocation Reporter are not supported when Storage Area Manager
is installed on the SMA.
Compatibility Between Storage Allocater and Storage Provisioner
HP OpenView Storage Allocater is an allocation product in the Storage Area Manager suite.
Storage Allocater's main focus is to provide host-based, logical unit security management for
the SAN. It provides the ability to allocate and deallocate storage to or from a host.
HP OpenView Storage Provisioner is a provisioning application that can optionally be
installed on the SMA. This software manages both HSG- and HSV-based storage subsystems.
Storage Provisioner allows storage providers to manage storage as a utility, customize service
levels, and grant consumers self-service access to storage via quotas. Storage Provisioner also
creates usage reports to support billing for both storage providers and consumers.
It is possible to have both of these products installed on the SMA with no technical problems.
However, if you use both products simultaneously, conflicts and data corruption can occur if
they attempt to allocate the same storage.
For example, you can assign a LUN to a host using Storage Allocater. However, if you then
use Storage Provisioner, the LUN appears to be available and Storage Provisioner could
reassign the same LUN, causing information to be overwritten.
Caution: HP recommends, as a best practice, that you use
Storage Allocater or
Storage Provisioner, but not both, for storage provisioning. If you choose to use both, ensure
that the two applications do not attempt to manage the same host and storage resource.
Otherwise, data corruption can occur.
Business Copy EVA v2.1a v2.2
Continuous Access EVA 1.0 v1.1
Secure Path Manager v4.0, v4.0b v4.0c
Storage Provisioner
v1.0, v1.1 v1.2
1. See exceptions in “Compatibility Between Storage Allocater and Storage Provisioner.”
Table 2: SMA Application Compatibility with Storage Area Manager (Continued)
Storage Area Manager v3.0
with SMA software v2.0
Storage Area Manager v3.0
Storage Area Manager v3.1
with SMA software v2.1