Finding Information
Where to find the most commonly needed information
To find how to … Go to …
Install the printer ÁThe Setup Guide.
Connect the printer ÁThe Setup Guide.
Choose media ÁPage 3-2, Choosing Media in this guide.
Load media ÁPage 3-13, Loading Roll Media in this guide or the quick
reference guide.
Load the Take Up Reel ÁPage 3-20, Take Up Reel loading or the quick reference guide
Replace ink system components ÁPage 4-11, Removing and Replacing Ink Systems in this guide.
See the printer’s current configuration ÁPage 8-5, Viewing the Current Configuration of the Front-
Panel Settings.
Turning on the Take up reel Á8-12, Turning on the Take Up Reel
Make selections in the front-panel menu ÁPage 2-14, Navigating the Menu System.
Clear a media jam ÁPage 11-44, Clearing a Media Jam
Solve image quality problems ÁPage 11-5, Solving Image-Quality Problems
Interpret a front-panel message ÁChapter 12, Front-Panel Messages.
Order accessories ÁPage 13-18, Ordering Accessories
To find any other information
Go to the index at the back of this manual.