
Fax trace report
MCF Message confirmation X011 0001
1650 or 1850 Hz
MSG Message received high speed data
MPS Multi-page signal X111 0010
NSF Non-standard facilities command 1000 0100
NSF Non-standard facilities 0000 0100
NSS Non-standard setup X100 0100
PID Procedure interrupt disconnect X011 0110
PIN Procedural interrupt negative X011 0100
PIP Procedural interrupt positive X011 0101
PIS Procedural interrupt signal 462 Hz for 3 seconds
PPS Partial page signal X111 1101
PPS-EOM Partial page signal—end of message X111 1101
PPS-EOP Partial page signal—end of procedure X111 1101
PPS-MPS Partial page signal—multi-page signal X111 1101
PPS-NULL Partial page signal—null X111 1101
PPR Partial page request X011 1101
PRI-EOM Procedure interrupt—end of message X111 1001
PRI-EOP Procedure interrupt—end of procedure X111 1100
PRI-MPS Procedure interrupt—multi-page signal X111 1010
RCP Return to control for partial page 0110 0001
RNR Receive not ready X011 0111
RR Receive ready X111 0110
RTC Return to control mode Six EOLs
RTN Retrain negative X011 0010
RTP Retrain positive X011 0011
TCF Training check Zeroes for 1 5 5
TSI Transmitting subscriber identification X100 0010
PWD Password (for polling 1000 0011
PWD Password (for transmission X100 0101
SCAN Data packets or scan line count
SEP Selective polling 1000 0101
SUB Sub-address X100 0011
V.xx Protocol version used (Group 3 only) V.27 = 4800/2400
V.29 = 9600/7200
V.33 = 14400/12000
V.17 = 14400/12000/9600/7200
XID Exchange identification procedure
??? Unidentified command sequence
Table 22. Fax abbreviations
Abbreviation Function Signal format (“X”= any #)