Release M.10.39 Enhancements
Figure 12. Example of AAA Authentication Using Authorized for the Secondary Authentication Method
Specifying the MAC Address Format
The MAC address format command has been enhanced to allow upper-case letters to be used for the
hexadecimal numbers when indicating the MAC address in RADIUS packets for MAC-based authen-
For example, using the multi-colon-uppercase option, the MAC address would appear as follows:
Syntax: aaa port-access mac-based addr-format <no-delimiter | single-dash | multi-dash | multi-colon |
no-delimiter-uppercase | single-dash-uppercase | multi-dash-uppercase |
Specifies the MAC address format to be used in the RADIUS request message.
This format must match the format used to store the MAC addresses in the
RADIUS server. (Default: no-delimiter)
no-delimiter — specifies an aabbccddeeff format.
single-dash — specifies an aabbcc-ddeeff format.
multi-dash — specifies an aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff format.
multi-colon — specifies an aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff format.
no-delimiter-uppercase — specifies an AABBCCDDEEFF format.
single-dash-uppercase — specifies an AABBCC-DDEEFF format
multi-dash-uppercase — specifies an AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF format
multi-colon-uppercase — specifies an AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF format.
ProCurve(config)# show authentication
Status and Counters - Authentication Information
Login Attempts : 3
Respect Privilege : Disabled
| Login Login Enable Enable
Access Task | Primary Secondary Primary Secondary
----------- + ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Console | Local None Local None
Telnet | Local None Local None
Port-Access | Local Authorized N/A N/A
Webui | Local None Local None
SSH | Local None Local None
Web-Auth | ChapRadius Authorized N/A N/A
MAC-Auth | ChapRadius Authorized N/A N/A
The access methods
with secondary
configured as authorized
allows the client access
to the network even if the
RADIUS server is