
20 2 HP-GL Mode Settings
Image Enhance
Enables or disables image enhancement.
Image enhancement raises the resolution and smooths sharp edges.
Candidate values are shown below.
[On] (default)
The [Zoom Mode], [Area Determine], and [Paper Margin] settings are effective only when [Document
Size] is set to [Auto].
Pen Attributes
Sets attributes of 16 pens (No. 00 to 15).
The thickness and color of the drawing line can be specified.
Pen Width
Sets the width of the pen (thickness of the line). The pen width can be specified in steps of
0.1 mm within the range between 0.0 and 25.5 (0.00 to 1.00 inch in 0.01 inch increments).
The default is [0.3 mm].
When changing the candidate values by the <
> or < > button, you can change the display
continuously by holding the button down. Also, pressing the <
> and < > buttons simultaneously
displays the default value.
When an image is reduced by combining the [Document Size] setting and [Output Size] setting, the pen
width is also reduced (minimum pen width = 0.1 mm (0.01")).
The line width is increased starting in the center of the line.
When 0.0 is specified, nothing is drawn.
Line End
Sets the line end shape.
[Cut] (default)
: Coordinate specification position
: Coordinate specification position
: Coordinate specification position
Line Intersect
Sets the intersection shape.
[None] requires the shortest processing time and therefore is suitable for check.
When a symbol is specified with a symbol mode command, live concatenation is not performed. “Symbol
mode command” refers to an HP-GL command used to specify a symbol.
[None] (default): [Cut]:
[Round]: [Join]: