
Remove carriage restraints (continued)
Load roll-fed media
Install ink and profilers
Ì Carefully move the carriage to the left, unscrew the plates from
the platen with the hex key, and remove.
When the control panel prompts you to load media, press Cancel.
Wearing the included protective gloves, remove the ink blotter pad
and plastic wrap from the platen (under the carriage). Place gloves
and shipping packaging in plastic bag, and discard.
Upper spacer (1 of 2)
Lower spacer
Ë Remove the plastic spacers from the rail, behind the carriage (2
upper and 1 lower).
Open each ink box, pull out ink supply tube, remove profiler. Install
the ink boxes into the wire rack and profilers into the docking station
as indicated by the labels on the printer.
Printer supports four or six colors,
depending on model
Install profilers
Ink connection ports,
below ink boxes
Push connector into port
1. Remove the media roll from its packaging.
2. Load the media roll onto the supply spool.
3. Load the supply spool onto the printer (unroll from the top of the
4. Unspool the media onto the platen.
5. Press the Load Media key on the control panel.
6. Follow the onscreen instructions.
1. On the Front Page screen, press the Tools key, then
select Maintenance > Printhead Procedures > Load Ink
in All Heads. Wait for the load process to finish.
2. On the Front Page screen, press the Prime Bars key.
Fill printheads with ink and prime
Install the RIP and connect it to the printer. Refer to the RIP
documentation for instructions. The computer running the RIP can be
stored on the shelf in the rear of the printer.
Connect the RIP and print
If you have questions...
See: User Manual
Press ? on the printer control panel for quick help
For service and support in North America: 800.925.0563
Outside North America: +1 952.944.4040
Web: www.colorspan.com
or contact your reseller
En Español: +1 952.943.3627
E-mail: cs.support@hp.com
© Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only
warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty
statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be
construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for
technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
Printed in the US
Revision A