Network storage array 19
Network storage array
The following information is provided for a network storage array.
Network Storage Array Status
• Server Transfers/Sec—The average number of transfer requests (read and written) between the monitored
servers and the array each second
• Server MBytes/Sec—The average number of megabytes transferred (read and written) between the
monitored servers and this array each second
• Server Millisec/Transfer—The average time for each request between the monitored servers and the array
to complete
• Server Queue Length—The average number of transfer requests (read and written) from the monitored
servers that are waiting to be serviced by this array
• Array MBytes/Sec—The average number of megabytes transferred (read and written) to all the disks in the
array each second
• Disk Queue Length—The average number of transfer requests (read and written) waiting to be serviced by
each disk in the array
Network Storage Array Inventory
• Array Configuration—Displays the number of logical drives implemented on the array
• Hard Drives—Lists the drives that constitute the array