
periods and commas in 1-23, A-1
precision D-13
prime 17-7
range of 1-17, 11-7
real 4-1
recalling 3-2
reusing 2-6, 2-10
rounding 4-18
showing all digits 1-25
storing 3-2
truncating 11-6
typing 1-15, 1-16, 11-1
Ä 1-1
OCT annunciator 11-1, 11-4
octal numbers. See numbers
arithmetic 11-4
converting to 11-2
range of 11-7
typing 11-1
one-variable statistics 12-2
flags 14-9, F-4
result of calculation 1-17, 11-5
setting response 14-9, F-4
testing occurrence 14-9
π A-2
in arithmetic 2-12
in equations 6-5, 6-6, 6-15
pause. See PSE
payment (finance) 17-1
percentage functions 4-6
periods (in numbers) 1-23, A-1
permutations 4-15
Physics constants 4-8
polar-to-rectangular coordinate conver-
sion 4-10, 9-5
poles of functions D-6
polynomials 13-26
population standard deviations 12-7
power annunciator 1-1, A-3
power curve fitting 16-1
power functions 1-17, 4-2, 9-3
precedence (equation operators) 6-14
precision (numbers) 1-25, D-13
present value. See financial
PRGM TOP 13-4, 13-7, 13-21, F-4
prime number generator 17-7
functions 4-15
normal distribution 16-11
program catalog 1-28, 13-22
program labels
branching to 14-2, 14-4, 14-16
checksums 13-23
clearing 13-6
duplicate 13-6
entering 13-4, 13-6
executing 13-10
indirect addressing 14-20, 14-21,
moving to 13-22
purpose 13-4
typing name 1-3
viewing 13-22
program lines. See programs
program names. See program labels
program pointer 13-6, 13-11, 13-19,
13-21, B-4
Program-entry mode 1-4, 13-6
programs. See program labels
ALG operations 13-4
base mode 13-25
branching 14-2, 14-4, 14-6, 14-
calculations in 13-13
calling routines 14-1, 14-2
catalog of 1-28, 13-22
checksums 13-22, 13-23, B-2
clearing 13-6, 13-22, 13-23
clearing all 13-6, 13-23
comparison tests 14-7
conditional tests 14-7, 14-9, 14-
12, 14-17, 15-6
data input 13-5, 13-13, 13-14
data output 13-5, 13-14, 13-18