
Upgrading procedures 132
12. Using a T-25 Torx driver, insert and tighten three screws on each side of the bottom cover plate.
13. Turn the HEX unit right-side up, so it is sitting on the bottom cover plate.
14. Replace the heat exchanger unit ("Replacing the heat exchanger unit with couplers" on page 63).
15. Replace the air deflector plate ("Replacing the air deflector plate" on page 34).
16. Replace the fan unit ("Replacing the fan unit" on page 52).
Upgrading the HEX hose coupler
The HEX hose coupler is a component of the HEX unit with ball valves that connects the HEX unit to the
main water lines.
The following tools are required for installation:
Adjustable wrench
T-25 Torx driver
Removing the HEX hose coupler
NOTE: For this procedure, remove the fan unit seated directly behind the heat exchanger unit
you will remove.
1. Remove the fan unit ("Removing the fan unit" on page 51).
2. Remove the air deflector plate ("Removing the air deflector plate" on page 33).
3. Remove the heat exchanger unit ("Removing the heat exchanger unit with couplers" on page 59).
Replacing the HEX hose coupler
1. Verify that the ball valves inside the HEX unit and the ball valves on the hose assemblies are closed,
with the handles perpendicular to the valves.