8-18 Statistics aplet
Setting up the plot (Plot setup view)
The Plot Setup view (>6+,)7@SETUP-PLOT) sets most of the
same plotting parameters as it does for the other built-in
See “Setting up the plot (Plot view setup)” on page 2-5.
Settings unique to the Statistics aplet are as follows:
Plot type (1VAR) STATPLOT enables you to specify either a histogram or a
box-and-whisker plot for one-variable statistics (when
is set). Press
to change the highlighted setting
Histogram width HWIDTH enables you to specify the width of a histogram bar.
This determines how many bars will fit in the display, as well
as how the data is distributed (how many values each bar
Histogram range HRNG enables you to specify the range of values for a set of
histogram bars. The range runs from the left edge of the
leftmost bar to the right edge of the rightmost bar. You can
limit the range to exclude any values you suspect are outliers.
Plotting mark
S1MARK through S5MARK enables you to specify one of five
symbols to use to plot each data set. Press
to change the
highlighted setting.
Connected points
CONNECT (on the second page), when checkmarked,
connects the data points as they are plotted. The resulting line
is not the regression curve. The order of plotting is according
to the ascending order of independent values. For instance, the
data set (1,1), (3,9), (4,16), (2,4) would be plotted and traced
in the order (1,1), (2,4), (3,9), (4,16).