136 4 Problem solving ENWW
Troubleshooting flowchart for Macintosh users
1 Can you print from a program?
Go to step 2.
The Macintosh computer is not communicating
with the printer.
Auto Setup did not automatically set up
the printer.
The printer driver icon does
not appear in the Chooser
(OS 9) or Print Center (OS X).
Make sure that READY appears on the printer
control panel display. (See the first page of
“Troubleshooting flowchart” on page 131.)
Make sure that the correct printer driver is
selected in the left half of the Chooser (OS 9) or
Print Center (OS X). Then make sure that the
desired printer name is selected (highlighted) on
the right half of the Chooser or Print Center.
There will be an icon next to the printer name
after the driver has been set up and configured
with the PPD.
If the printer resides on a network with multiple
zones, make sure that the correct zone is
selected in the AppleTalk Zones box in the
Chooser (OS 9) or Print Center (OS X).
Make sure that the correct printer has been
selected in the Chooser (OS 9) or Print Center
(OS X) by printing a configuration. (See
“Configuration page” on page 83.) Make sure
that the name of the printer shown on the
configuration page matches the printer in the
Chooser or Print Center.
Make sure that AppleTalk is active. (Select this
in the Chooser [OS 9] or Print Center [OS X] or
in the AppleTalk control panel, whichever applies
for your OS version.)
Make sure that the computer and printer are on
the same network. Open Control Panels on the
Apple menu and select the Network (or the
AppleTalk) control panel, and then select the
correct network (for example, LocalTalk or
Set up the printer manually by
selecting Configure (OS 9).
Reinstall the printer software. (See the
getting started [start] guide.)
Select an alternate PPD. (See
“Selecting an alternate PPD” on
page 138.)
The PPD might have been renamed. If
so, select the renamed PPD. (See
“Selecting an alternate PPD” on
page 138.)
Auto Setup works only in AppleTalk-
and USB-connected devices.
Make sure that the Apple
LaserWriter 8 Chooser
(OS 9) or Print Center
(OS X) extension resides
in the Extensions folder.
If the Chooser or Print
Center is not present
anywhere on your system,
contact Apple Computer,