MSTP configuration guidelines
This section provides important information about configuring Multiple Spanning Tree Groups:
• When you turn on MSTP, the switch automatically moves VLAN 1 to the Common Internal Spanning
Tree (CIST).
• Region Name and revision level must be configured. Each bridge in the region must have the same
name and revision level.
• The VLAN and STP Group mapping must be the same across all bridges in the region.
• You can move any VLAN to the CIST.
• You can move VLAN 1 into any Spanning Tree Group.
MSTP configuration example
This section provides steps to configure Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol on the switch, using the
Command Line Interface (CLI) or the Browser-based Interface (BBI).
Configuring Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (CLI example)
1. Configure port and VLAN membership on the switch, as described in the “Configuring ports and
VLANs (CLI example)” section in the “VLANs” chapter of this guide.
2. Set the mode to Multiple Spanning Tree, and configure MSTP region parameters.
>> /cfg/l2/ mrst (Select Multiple Spanning Tree menu)
>> Multiple Spanning Tree# mode mstp (Set mode to
Multiple Spanning Trees)
>> Multiple Spanning Tree# on (Turn Multiple Spanning Trees on)
>> Multiple Spanning Tree# name xxxxxx (Define the Region name)
>> Multiple Spanning Tree: rev xx (Define the Region revision level)
3. Assign VLANs to Spanning Tree Groups.
>> /cfg/l2/stp 2 (Select Spanning Tree Group 2)
>> Spanning Tree Group 2# add 2 (Add VLAN 2)
>> Spanning Tree Group 2# apply (Apply the configurations)