Hickory Industries, Inc.
4900 Westside Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047
Tel: [201] 223-0050 Fax: [201] 223-0950
N/45 Series Manual12/00
Page 22 of 38
4.0 Cooking Times
Product Cooking Time Temperature
Chicken 45 - 60 minutes "ON"
Turkey 120 - 170 minutes 1/2 power
increase to "ON" for last 20 min.
Ribs 20 - 45 minutes "ON"
Beef Roast 45 minutes (to 104°F) "ON"
Pork Loin 45 minutes (to 135 °F) "ON"
Salmon 20 - 30 minutes "ON"
Duck 120 minutes 1/2 power - 105 minutes
"ON" - 15 minutes
Vegetables 20 minutes "ON"
Potatoes 40 minutes "ON"
5.0 Spitting Chickens
The most important part in getting started with a rotisserie is knowing how to properly spit the product.
This is quite easy, but it must be learned! As an operator, you will become an expert in spitting chick-
ens within half an hour! There are two types of commomly used spits: the angle spit and the regular
spit. The following pages describe and show how spitting is done with both these types of spits.