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Finally, in order to select, for example, the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function,
simply press @@TANH@.
Note: To see additional options in these soft menus, press the L key or
the „«keystroke sequence.
For example, to calculate tanh(2.5), in the ALG mode, when using SOFT
menus over CHOOSE boxes, follow this procedure:
„´@@HYP@ @@TANH@ 2.5`
In RPN mode, the same value is calculated using:
2.5`„´)@@HYP@ @@TANH@
As an exercise of applications of hyperbolic functions, verify the following
SINH (2.5) = 6.05020.. ASINH(2.0) = 1.4436…
COSH (2.5) = 6.13228.. ACOSH (2.0) = 1.3169…
TANH(2.5) = 0.98661.. ATANH(0.2) = 0.2027…
EXPM(2.0) = 6.38905…. LNP1(1.0) = 0.69314….
Operations with units
Numbers in the calculator can have units associated with them. Thus, it is
possible to calculate results involving a consistent system of units and produce
a result with the appropriate combination of units.
The UNITS menu
The units menu is launched by the keystroke combination ‚Û(associated
with the 6 key). With system flag 117 set to CHOOSE boxes, the result is
the following menu: