System Drivers and Components
The System Drivers and Components includes other soft ware, drivers and m anagement agents for your
HP ProLiant Storage Server.
• Intel N IC drivers and Intel ProSet for Windows Device Manager version 12.1
• HP Server Management System for Windows, version 2.0.2
• Broadcom NetExtreme BCM57xx NIC driver version 10.24
• Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 (BACS) version
• HP SATA RAID Controller M anager (HPSM) version 4.10–4590
• Adaptec SATA RAID 2410 Device Driver version
• Adaptec Storage Manager for 2420 SATA Controller version 4.10.4813
• Adaptec Storage Manager for 2410 SATA Controller version 4.30.16038 (DL100 G1 and
1500s models only)
• Hotplug Service Update for Adaptec 24 1 0 version 1 .0.0.12a
• Hotplug Service Update for Adaptec 2420 version
Java Runtim
e Environment Update, version 1.6.0 Update 2
The Java Ru
ntime Environment is the minimum standard Java computing environment for running
applications written in the Java programming language. It contains the Java virtual m a chine, Java core
classes, and supporting files.
HP Ser vice Release Wizard
The HP Service Release Wizard provides a simple user interface to install the Service Release. The
Service Release automatically installs the H P Service Release Wizard and replaces the HP Service
Release NAS Updater Utility.
Service Release installation adds the HP Service Release service for managing software updates and
creates the HPSRUser account on the storage server. The HPSRUser acc ount is required to use the HP
Service Release. If the HPSRUser account is removed and the HP Service Release Wizard is needed
again, restart the HP Service Release service and run the Service Release setup program.
• In earlier releases of HP ProLiant DL1 0 0 G2 Storage Servers using either the Adaptec SATA RAID
24 10 or 242 0 SA Controllers, an error message appeared in the Windows System Event log
reporting that a disk in a s lot was “plug out” or removed although no d rives were removed. This
issue is now resolved by installing the applicable Hotplug Service Update to your Adaptec
Controller product (2410, 2420) installed on your system. The HotPlug Service Update is located
in the System Drivers and Components category during installation of the Service Release.
• Consistency Check fix for HP ProLiant DL100 G1 and HP StorageWorks NAS products using
the Adaptec 2410 RAID Controller. This issue is now resolved by installing the Adaptec Storage
Manager version 4.30 (16038) supplied in the Service Release.
Microsoft Updates
Some of the following Microsoft updates may not apply to your storage server.
Storage Server Service Release 6.6 release notes