hp support
support process
Follow these steps to troubleshoot the
1. Search the user’s guide on your
computer (
see page 19)
2. Visit www.hp.com/support to:
• Check for software updates.
• Access online support pages.
• Send HP an email message for
answers to your questions.
3. Call HP support.
Support options and availability vary by
product, country/region, and language.
hp support by phone
free phone support period
One year of free phone support is
available to North America, Asia
Pacific, and Latin America (including
Mexico). To determine the duration of
free phone support in Eastern Europe,
Middle East, and Africa, please refer to
For a list of support phone numbers, see
the inside front cover of this guide.
Standard phone company charges
placing a call
Call HP support while in front of the
computer and printer. Be prepared to
provide the following:
• The printer's model number (located
on the label on the front of the printer)
• The printer's serial number (located
on the bottom of the printer)
• The computer’s operating system
• The version of the printer driver
• Messages displayed at the time the
situation occurred
• Answers to these questions:
• Has this situation happened
before? Can you re-create it?
• Did you add any new hardware or
software on your computer around
the time this situation began?
after the free phone support period
After the free phone support period,
help is available from HP at an
additional cost. Contact your HP dealer
or call the support phone number for
your country/region for support options.
Gepetto_RG.book Page 24 Wednesday, May 14, 2003 3:01 PM