
VlanID Specifies the VLAN identifier value for the device.
VlanName Specifies the descriptive name for the VLAN ID. Every VLAN must have a
name assigned to it. Duplicate names are allowed if you want to use the same names for
different VLAN IDs.
NetworkAddress Is written only for NICs that are not teamed. It allows the burned-in
address to be overridden with a locally administered address. A null value is always written
to the XML data file because locally administered addresses must be unique. A null value
is valid and indicates the network address will be the burned-in address. This value must
be a valid unicast address if it is edited.
Team configuration properties
Team configuration properties configured on the target server include the following:
TeamName Determines the unique identifier for the NIC team. Each team name on the
target system must be unique.
OpMode — Determines operating mode of the team. Possible values are Auto, StaticDualSlb,
DynamicSingleSlb, StaticSingleSlb, FailOnFault, PrefPrimary, and TransmitLoadBalancing.
LoadBalAlgorithm Determines the team load balancing algorithm. Possible values are
MACAddress, IPAddress, TCPConnection, RoundRobin, and Auto.
TeamNetworkAddress — Establishes the MAC address for the NIC team. A value is always
written to the XML data file. A null value is valid and causes a default address to be
computed. This value must be a valid unicast address if it is edited.
TxPathValidationMode Enables or disables the packet signal transmitted between the
team NICs. Possible values are Enabled and Disabled.
RxPathValidationMode — Enables or disables the packet signal received between the team
NICs. Possible values are Enabled and Disabled.
TxPathValidationInterval — Determines how frequently the packet signals are transmitted.
The range of acceptable values is 3 to 60. Values less than 3 are set to 3, and values greater
than 60 are set to 60.
RxPathValidationInterval Determines how frequently the packet signals are received.
The range of acceptable values is 3 to 60. Values less than 3 are set to 3, and values greater
than 60 are set to 60.
RxPathValidationVlanID Determines the VLAN on which Receive Path Validation
Heartbeat Frames are transmitted. This value is written only when a VLAN is defined for
the team. The default is the VLAN on the team with the lowest VLAN ID at the time the
team is created.
FastPathEnabled Enables or disables the port cost with path cost monitoring feature.
Possible values are Enabled and Disabled.
FastPathSpanningTreeType — Determines the spanning tree protocol. Possible values are
IEEE 802.1D and Cisco PVST+. The default is IEEE 802.1D. FastPathSpanningTreeType is
relevant only if FastPathEnabled is enabled.
FastPathVlanID — Determines the VLAN ID used for path cost monitoring. This value is
written only if a VLAN is defined for the team. FastPathVlanID is relevant only if
FastPathEnabled is enabled.
ActivePathEnabled Allows the team member to send a packet to a remote node and
receive a reply to determine if the team member sending the packet has a path to the echo
node. The absence of a reply within the specified time period can be used to determine when
a team member should be disabled. Possible values are Enabled and Disabled. The default
is Disabled. If Enabled, a valid echo node IP address must be entered.
The following values are written only when the ActivePathEnabled option is used:
EchoNodeResponseMech — Determines which echo node response mechanism to use:
DirectedARP or CommunityAddressARP. If CommunityAddressARP is chosen,
Configuration properties 21