Figure 11 JMeter Application Scenario Test Results – Requests per Second
Figure 12 JMeter Application Scenario Test Results – Response Time
The performance of the Tomcat Application server is impacted by several factors such as network
throughput, system processing capability, concurrent user connections, and so on. The data
shown in this document were obtained under the precondition that network throughput was
stable. However, it is not generally the case that all users are simultaneously requesting service
from the application server. Among the different applications, the ratio of concurrent users to
total users of a certain application is different, but usually varies between 10% and 30%. Another
difference is the interval between requests of each user. The longer the interval is, the more users
the Tomcat server can serve. In the benchmark testing described in this document, the interval
between requests of each user was not considered. Therefore, for applications in the real world,
the number of concurrent user connections that the Tomcat Application server can process on
these three-blade servers may be much greater than shown in the document. When there are
millions of concurrent user connections, the Tomcat cluster and load-balancing technology can
be considered to scale out the Tomcat environment based on HP ProLiant c-Class Blade servers.
Summary 23