Printing Tasks
Stopping a Print Job
A print job can be stopped from the [Job Cancel] button or from a
software application. In either case, the printer prints the pages it
received before you stopped the print job, then cancels the remainder of
the job.
Do not stop a print job from both the printer and the computer. Cancel
the job from only one location.
If the printer experiences an error, such as a paper jam, the error must be
cleared before a print job can be canceled.
To stop a print job from the printer:
Press [Job Cancel] to stop the print job. The message CANCELING JOB
is displayed until the current job is canceled. The printer waits until the
computer stops sending data and then cancels the job.
Pressing [Job Cancel] will cancel only the current job in the printer. If
more than one print job is in printer memory [Job Cancel] must be
pushed once for each job.
If you are hooked up to a network, be sure that the job you are canceling
is your own!
To stop a print job from a software application:
If many jobs have been sent to the printer, they may be waiting in a print
queue (like Windows Print Manager, for example). See your software
instruction manual for instructions on canceling a print job from your
software application.
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