
File Transfers
Downloading Switch Software
When an SFTP client connects, the switch provides a file system display-
ing all of its available files and folders. No file or directory creation is
permitted by the user. Files may only be uploaded or downloaded, accord-
ing to the permissions mask. All of the necessary files the switch will need
are already in place on the switch. You do not need to (nor can you create)
new files.
The switch supports one SFTP session or one SCP session at a time.
All files have read-write permission. Several SFTP commands, such as
create or remove, are not allowed and return an error message. The
switch displays the following files:
| running-config
| startup-config
| crash-data
| crash-data-a
| crash-data-b
| crash-data-c
| crash-data-d
| crash-data-e
| crash-data-f
| crash-data-g
| crash-data-h
| crash-data-I
| crash-data-J
| crash-data-K
| crash-data-L
| crash-log
| crash-log-a
| crash-log-b
| crash-log-c
| crash-log-d
| crash-log-e
| crash-log-f
| crash-log-g
| crash-log-h
| crash-log-I
| crash-log-J
| crash-log-K
| crash-log-L
| event log
| primary
| secondary