LED State Indication
PS On (green) A power supply is installed in the position in the back of the switch, and the supply is plugged into an
active AC power source. As shipped, the switch has a single power supply in position 1.
Blinking (orange) One of the switch’s redundant power supplies has failed. The switch Fault LED will be blinking
Blinking (orange) The external power supply has a fault or is connected but not plugged into AC power.
LED Mode
Act (green) Flickers to show relative activity.
FDx (green) Flickers to show relative activity.
PoE (green) Indicates which ports are supplying power.
Spd (green) Indicates speed of operation of each port.
Usr (green) Reserved for future development.
Table G-1: LED status indicators for management/system support module
The LED status indicators for the ProCurve 6600 switch ports are described in Table G-2.
LED State Indication
Link On (green) Indicates the port is enabled and receiving a link beat signal (for the twisted-pair ports), or a strong enough
light level (for the fiber-optic ports) from the connected device.
Off Indicates no active network cable is connected to the port, the port is not receiving link beat or sufficient
light, or the port has been disabled.
Blinking (orange) If the port LED is blinking simultaneously with the Fault LED, the corresponding port has failed its self-test.
Mode Depending on the mode selected, displays:
Table G-2: LED status indicators for ProCurve 6600 Switch Series Ethernet ports
Appendix H: links to other useful documents
White papers
Resources for Cisco interoperability, Data Center Connection Manager, Green IT initiatives, and so on, can be
found at www.procurve.com/library/whitepapers.aspx
Technical briefs
Storage over Ethernet sources can be found at
Documents related to HP ProCurve 6600 Switch Series and the data center
Sources about the 6600 series and the data center can be found at