Hardware options installation 53
For detailed memory configuration rules and guidelines, use the Online DDR3 Memory Configuration Tool
on the HP website (http://www.hp.com/go/ddr3memory-configurator).
Advanced ECC population guidelines
For Advanced ECC mode configurations, observe the following guidelines:
• Observe the general DIMM slot population guidelines.
• DIMMs may be installed individually.
Population order
For memory configurations with a single processor or multiple processors, populate the DIMM slots
sequentially in alphabetical order (A through F).
For Advanced ECC mode configurations with multiple processors, populate the DIMM slots sequentially in
alphabetical order (P1-A, P2-A, P1-B, P2-B and so forth)
After installing the DIMMs, use RBSU ("HP ROM-Based Setup Utility" on page 82) to configure the memory
protection modes.
Lockstep Memory mode population guidelines
For Lockstep memory mode configurations, observe the following guidelines:
• Observe the general DIMM slot population guidelines.
• Always install DIMMs in channel 1 and 2 for each installed processor.
• Do not install DIMMs in channel 3 for any processor.
• DIMM configuration on channel 1 and channel 2 of a processor must be identical.
• In multiprocessor configurations, each processor must have a valid Lockstep memory mode
• In multiprocessor configurations, each processor may have a different valid Lockstep memory mode
Population order
For Lockstep memory mode configurations with a single processor or multiple processors, populate the DIMM
slots in the following order:
• First: A and B
• Last: D and E
Do not populate the DIMM slots C and F.
After installing the DIMMs, use RBSU ("HP ROM-Based Setup Utility" on page 82) to configure the memory
protection modes.
Online Spare population guidelines
For Online Spare memory mode configurations, observe the following guidelines:
• Observe the general DIMM slot population guidelines.
• Each channel must have a valid online spare configuration.