Step Instructions
To print from a serial port of your PC, you must first redirect the parallel output to the
serial port via the DOS command C:>MODE LPTx:=COMy:, where x and y are the
port designation (e.g., LPT1:=COM1:). You must also configure your PC's serial port
to communicate at parameters that match Print Master. This is done via the DOS
command C:>MODE COMy: 9600,n,8,1,p, where y is the com port number of your
PC. This MODE command assumes you are using factory default values. You may
use the SMODE program to operate at serial speeds greater than 9600 bps.
To use BayTech's RAMEXEC or RAMTSR software utilities to select between multiple
peripherals, you must add commands to your PC's AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If you have
to use any of the MODE commands mentioned in Step 7, you should add these
commands to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. See
Section 4.5
(PC Set-up) for more
9 If you have any questions, please call BayTech technical support at 1-800-523-2702.