When a user sends a print job, the data is stored in Print Master's
spooling buffer (1 MB standard, available with 2 MB on 700C, 700D
and 700E models; available with up to 4 MB on 700A models). All
users may simultaneously send data to this dynamically allocated
buffer. Therefore, the entire buffer could be occupied by data from
one user if only one user is active or the buffer could be
simultaneously distributed to all users.
Output is buffered and put into a queue in the same order in which it
was sent to Print Master. The output is then sent to the printers in the
same order in which it was queued.
A print job starts when Print Master receives three or more characters
from a computer. The characters must be sent in a time period
shorter than the designated timeout.
Printer Select Mode 2
, a print job is ended when one of the
following occurs:
1. No characters are received by Print Master from the computer
for the specified input inactivity timeout period.
2. The computer sends the Printer Select Code.
3. The computer sends the clear buffer command (see