The Print Master requires 115 VAC, 50/60 Hz. power and comes with
a three-prong power cord. Do not attempt to operate the unit with a
two-prong socket or adapter. 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz. is optional.
The Print Master powers-up when you press the power switch on the
back of the unit to "ON" or "1". Power-on is indicated on the front
panel by the illuminating of a green LED.
Do not attempt to make any internal changes. Any
upgrades to the EPROM or memory must be performed by an
authorized service technician or by BayTech. Please contact
BayTech at 1-800-523-2702 for more information.
From the factory, Print Master is set up with Port 1 designated as a
printer port. All other ports are factory-designated as computer ports.
The highest numbered port is the master configuration port.
Other factory-default settings are: Input inactivity timeout is set to 20
seconds. The Port Select Code is $PRINTER. The Port Select Mode
is Mode 2 (selection anytime while sending). The Form Feed Mode
and the Header Page Message are disabled. The Port Logical
Name(s) are set as Device A, Device B, etc. Serial ports power-up
from the factory at 9600 baud rate, 8 bit word size, 1 stop bit, no parity
and XON/XOFF disabled.
If your application does not match this factory setup, you must first
reconfigure Print Master by entering the configuration mode (see
Section 7
). If your application does match, you may proceed with the
installation. For a description of the various changes that may be
made by accessing the configuration mode, see
Section 6.1