It is still possible to plot dynamically through Print Master if required.
When plotting in this fashion, you would probably need to increase the
input inactivity timeout value to a higher number than factory default
(20 seconds). Plotting dynamically would not allow you to utilize the
buffering capabilities of Print Master because the data stream from
the computer is not continuous. The dynamic method of plotting
would allow only one user at a time access to the plotter due to the
fact that the plotter can only respond back to the user who is currently
connected through Print Master.
All Print Master models have a green power LED and either six, eight,
or ten red activity LEDs. The green power LED will illuminate
whenever power is applied to the unit. The red LEDs indicate activity
on the respective port(s) when illuminated while the unit is in
operation mode. All red LEDs will illuminate briefly when the unit first
powers up and goes through its self-test.
When a computer sends a print job to Print Master, the LED for the
computer port and the selected printer port will illuminate. The
computer LED will remain illuminated until a disconnection occurs as
described in
Section 6.2.5
. The printer LED will typically remain
illuminated until the connection with the sending computer is
terminated. However, the printer LED may remain illuminated in the
event multiple computers are sending print jobs to that printer
simultaneously or if the printer attached to it goes off line (e.g., runs
out of paper).
Whenever configuration mode for the model 706A or 708A is
accessed (see
Section 7.1
), all red activity LEDs will illuminate.