All ports on the Print Master 706A or 708A must be inactive
(i.e., only the green power LED should be illuminated).
With the PARSEND or MS BASIC program loaded on your PC,
send from the keyboard
followed by capital
These characters will not print on the printer. The Model 706A
or 708A will respond with the main configuration menu which
should print out on your printer. When configuration mode is
been accessed, all the red LEDs on the front panel will
If only two red LEDs illuminate when
capital C are sent or if the unit gives no response, this indicates
that an incorrect character sequence has been received. If so,
wait for the unit to time-out (LEDs will go out) and re-send
and the ASCII capital C.
From this point on, configuration of the Model 706A or 708A will be
menu driven.
For illustration purposes, we show the configuration menus for the
706A. The only notable exceptions between the 706A and 708A
configuration menus are the actual number of ports shown in the