3-18 Loading Roll-Fed Media
1. Ensure that the fixed collet is properly located with the screw
tightened into the inner hole on the supply spool (using the
outer hole would prevent the spool from being installed).
The side of the spool with the fixed collet is the “home”
side, closest to the printer’s electronics box.
2. Remove the moveable collet from the spool.
The 3-inch collets have left-handed threads that self-
tighten during printing. Turn the locking ring clock-
wise to loosen, and counterclockwise to tighten.
3. Optionally, if using large rolls of narrower media, install the
spool support and/or sleeve (see Fig. 3-5 and Fig. 3-6).
4. Load the media roll onto the spool.
5. Load and secure the moveable collet against the end of the
media roll.
The moveable collet does not have a metal pin. Push the col-
let into the media core, and (on 3-inch collets) turn the
locking ring counterclockwise to secure it in place.
6. From the rear of the printer, load the media and spool into
the printer’s supply spool holder.
Press the home side of the supply spool into the home side
holder (on the left from the rear of the printer), then swing
the far side of the supply spool into the far side holder (on
the right).
You can load the supply spool so that the media either
unspools from the bottom or the top of the roll (see Fig. 3-7