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Skew tolerance
Company confidential. Murillo/Ravillo User’s Guide. Final Freeze Status: Frozen
This is the cyan on page 3-21 (seq: 97)
This is the black on page 3-21 (seq: 97)
Compensating for Badly Cut Media
You can only use this feature when sheet media is selected on the front panel.
If the media is persistently difficult to load, it could be an indication that it has
been badly cut. That is, it has been cut unevenly with the media width on the
leading edge different to the width of the trailing edge. A front-panel option called
Skew tolerance helps you compensate for the shape of some poorly cut media.
When you properly load the leading edge of badly cut media along the perforated
line on the platen, you may notice the trailing edge is displaced from the line by a
small distance and the plotter will not accept the media. The plotter can accept
poorly cut media that is displaced 1.0 cm or less from the perforated line.
Media that is cut properly should not need the help of the skew tolerance
In fact, using this feature for properly cut media increases the risk of skewing your
plot on the page.
To Adjust Skew Tolerance
Skew Tolerance
In Front Panel
Maximum Acceptable Skew of Loaded Sheet
Off 0.4 cm
On 1.0 cm
Working With Media and Cartridge(s)
Loading Media