Insight Manager 7 SNMP Extensions utility
The above command generates an editfile for corrections. The mibfile name is the name of the
MIB with the .mib extension added on.
mCompile [-c [-n "trapHandlerClass"] (-C <mibfile.mib> |
The above command applies changes to the database that were made to the commented REV
file. The mibfile name is the name of the MIB with the .mib extension added on. The
corresponding REV file has the name of the MIB with the .rev extension.
mCompile -f <filelist.txt>
The above command registers multiple MIBs. For each MIB to be registered, create a text file to
be called by the program. In the file, name the import file that contains a list of MIBs, or list
each MIB to be registered on a separate line. The program reads the specified imports and MIB
file name and registers each in turn.
mCompile -d <mibfile.mib>
The above command deletes a registered MIB and any dependent MIBs from the database.
mCompile (-l|-t) [<mibfile.mib>]
The above command creates a list of all registered MIBs and the traps associated with them.
Commands, MIB names, and file names are case-insensitive. For example mcompile and
MCOMPILE execute the same operation. Switches are case-sensitive as described in the
following table.
command switches
The command line program uses the following switches:
switches purpose
-c Make database corrections (after a normal mib installation)
-C Compiles a MIB
-d Delete a MIB file (and all MIBs that import it)
-D Enable debug mode (to screen)
-f Specify a filename (with Full Path) containing a list of command lines
-g Generate an editfile for database corrections
-l List of mib files in database
-L Generate specified logfile to the \log directory
No switch Default is “compaq.protocol.snmp.trap.GenericTrapNoticeHandler”
-n Java ‘Notice' handler Default is:“compaq.protocol.snmp.trap.GenericTrapNoticeHandler