HP PCL Code Samples
118 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide
14.2 Commands Sent to Printer
The series of escape sequences in the table above sends the following commands to the
printer. The series of dots (...) indicate main text. Spaces in escape sequences are for clarity
only; do not include them in the data stream.
EscE Esc&ll2a0O Esc&k1w5W Esc& ll1ll8d88p6e72F Esc(s0p12H Esc&a6ll90M Esc*p-
95y+475X Esc(12U Esc(s6h12v0s3b6TDeskJet Printer Family Esc(& ll9C
Esc(s1p12v0s0b4101TIn February 1988, HP introduced the original DeskJet printer at a U.S.
List price of $995. The DeskJet's market position was “Laser Quality Output for Under $1,000”
and offered a superior print quality alternative for users intending to upgrade to 24 wire dot
matrix printers.
In April 1989...
...support for MS Windows 3.0. Esc*p2875y1800X Esc(s0p24h6v0s0b6TCopyright 1990
Hewlett-Packard Co. EscE
This example is a guideline to illustrate page formatting. Depending upon the application,
other methods may be used to achieve the desired printed page. For example, if you want a
header and/or footer to be placed on each page, you can turn Perforation Skip Mode OFF,
allowing the header to sit at the top margin. You can then use vertical positioning commands
to move CAP into position for the main text. Likewise, you can set the printer side margins to
0. You can then use horizontal positioning commands to position CAP for the start of each