Step 8: Configuring Input Trays
Step 8: Configuring Input Trays
When input trays are configured correctly, the printer will print based
on media type and size and will automatically use the correct input
For example, tray 2 could contain letterhead; tray 3, plain legal-sized
paper; and tray 4, plain letter-sized paper. If the trays are configured
correctly, when you set up a print job you can choose the media type
and size in the printer driver, and the printer will automatically print
from the correct input tray.
Tray 1 Auto
From the control panel, you can also set the media size and type for
tray 1 to AUTO. The printer tries to match the media size and/or type
specified for the current print job in the print driver to the settings in
the control panel and prints from tray 1 if it can. For example, if you
set the media size and type for tray 1 to AUTO in the control panel,
load letter-size transparencies into tray 1, and send a job to the
printer specifying plain Letter in the print driver, the printer prints from
tray 1 even if other trays are configured for plain Letter. You can use
the AUTO setting to override the printer's tray selection process,
forcing the printer to print from tray 1 regardless of the media size
and/or type specified in the print driver or loaded in tray 1.
Although tray 1 does not fully sense the media size, the printer will not
print on media that it senses is the wrong width.