Using Spectrum Analyzer Features
learn How to Enter Amplitude Correction Factors
Completing Table Entry
Pressing EDIT DONE blanks the amplitude-correction table from the screen
and Activating Amplitude
and accesses the menu with AMP COR ON OFF
Pressing AMP COR ON OFF turns the amplitude corrections on and off.
Saving or Recalling
Amplitude Correction
Pressing Amp Cor under the
key accesses SAVE AMP COR and
RECALL AMP COR These softkey functions provide an easy way to save or
recall current amplitude-correction tables. SAVE AMP COR saves the current
amplitude-correction table in the current mass storage device (cable TV
analyzer memory or memory card). To determine the current mass storage
device, press SAVE AMP COR
MAX REG # appears on the cable TV analyzer
display, the current mass storage device is analyzer memory. lf PREFIX=
is displayed, the memory card is the mass storage device. (Press (SAVE) or
INTERNAL CARD to change the current mass storage device.) Press
SAVE AMP COR , enter a register number, then press
to save the
current amplitude-correction table in cable TV analyzer memory or on the
memory card.
RECALL AMP COR recalls amplitude-correction tables from the current mass
storage device (cable TV analyzer memory or memory card). To determine
the current mass storage device, press RECALL AMP COR . If MAX REG
appears on the cable TV analyzer display, the current mass storage device
is analyzer memory. If PREFIX= is displayed, the memory card is the mass
storage device. (Press
INTERNAL CARD to change the
current mass storage device.) When recalling an amplitude-correction table
from the memory card, it is necessary that the current prefix match the
prefix that the table was originally stored with. Use Change Prefix to
change the current prefix. To recall an amplitude-correction table, enter the
register number that the table was saved under, then press