
HP 8613C/D
Safety Considerations
This product and related documentation must be
reviewed for familiarization with safety markings
and instructions before operation.
This product is a Safety Class I instrument tpro~
with a protective earth terminal).
that the product is set to match the avail-
able line voltage and
correct fuse is installed.
An uninterruptible safety earth ground must be
provided from the main power source to the pro-
duct input wiring terminals, power cord, or sup-
plied power cord set.
Any interruption of the protective
conductor (inside or outside the instrument) or
disconnecting the protective earth terminal will
cause a potential shock hazard that could result in
personal injury. (Grounding one conductor of a
two conductor outlet is not sufficient protection.)
In addition, verify that a common ground exists
between the unit under test and this instrument
prior to
either unit.
Whenever it is likely that the protection has been
impaired, thcinstrument must bemadeinoperative
and be secured against
any unintended operation.
If this instrument is to be energized via an auto-
transformer (for voltage reduction) make sure the
common terminal is connected to neutral (that is,
the grounded side of the mains supply).
Servicing instructions are for use by service.
trained personnel only. To avoid dangerous elec-
tric shock, do not perform any servicing unless
qualified to
do so.
Adjustments described in the manual are per-
formed with power supplied to the instrument
while protectivecovers areremoved. Energy avail.
able at many points may, if contacted, result in
personal injury.
Capacitors inside the instrument may still be
charged even if the instrument has been discon
netted from its source ofsupply.
For continued protection against fire hazard, re-
place the line fuse(si only with 25OV fuse(s) of the
same current rating and type (for example, normal
time delay, etc.). Ilo not use repaired fuses or
short circuited fuseholders.
Instruction manual
symbol: the product
be marked with this symbol when it is
necessary for the user to refer to the in-
struction manual iseeTableofContents for
page references).
Indicates hazardous voltages.
Indicates earth (ground) terminal.
l’he WARNING sign denotes a
hazard. It calls attention to a
procedure, practice, or the like,
which, if not correctly performed
or adhered to, could result in per-
sonal injury. 130 not proceed be-
yond a WARNING sign until the
indicated conditions are fully
understood and met
The CAUTION sign denotes a
hazard. It calls attention to an
operating procedure, practice, or
the like, which, if not correctly
performed or adhered to, could
result in damage to or destruc-
tion of part or all of the product.
Do not proceed beyond a CAU-
TION sign until the indicated
conditions are fully understood
and met.