Heat from the toner fusing process removes moisture from the paper and may cause curling.
If the curling is severe...
a Turn the paper over in the paper feeder. Put paper in feeder with print facing the back of the
printer, look on the package for an arrow or other indicator of the print side.
b A major cause of curl is improper storage. Store paper in a dry place, lying flat. Do not open the
paper package until you are ready to use the paper.
c Try to protect your paper from excessive temperatures and rapid temperature changes.
The toner fusing process in your printer generates a gignificant amount of heat, and the top cover
may feel quite warm. This is perfectly normal. If the top cover becomes too hot to touch, switch
the printer off and call your dealer for advice.
Use the printer control panel to change the paper thickness setting to light.
Hardware Problems contd.
Printed paper curls excessively.
Printer seems too hot.
Printed paper emerges wrinkled.
8pwugb.p65 03/09/98, 13:2722