About this Developer’s Guide
4 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide
2.2 Special Notes
HP DeskJets were designed in series - the printer’s internal firmware will usually report the
series name, rather than the specific product name. All printers in a series will behave as
the base model. For example, the HP DeskJet 810C Series printers were sold under the
name of the HP DeskJet 810C, HP DeskJet 812C, and the HP DeskJet 815C. All three
printer models have the same internal firmware, reporting the printer as a HP DeskJet
Note that the HP DeskJet 895Cse and HP DeskJet 895Cxi are both part of the HP Desk-
Jet 895C Series family and are NOT derived from the HP DeskJet 890C Series.
If a command is not covered in this guide, it is either obsolete or Hewlett-Packard propri-
etary information. No further information on these unsupported or proprietary commands
is available.
In the HP PCL escape sequences within this manual, the letter “ell” (l) is represented by a
script character (l ) to differentiate between the “ell” and the character 1 (one). Where
spaces have been added to commands for readability, those spaces must not be included
in your code.
Specifications on the ink cartridges (including the HP Photo Cartridge) are not available -
this is Hewlett-Packard proprietary information and will not be provided.
2.2.1 Special Note - HP DeskJet 710C, 720C and 820C Series printers
The HP DeskJet 710C, 720C, and 820C Series printers are “Windows” printers. These
printers will not function from a DOS-only environment. However, they will work when
accessed from a DOS box within Windows 3.1x, 95, 98.
For clarity, these printers are not included in the printer tables in this guide. If you wish to
send PCL commands to these printers, use the HP DeskJet 660C Series printers as your
guide in the tables.