The digital sending software has the following hardware requirements for a server supporting
50 to 250 digital sending devices:
● A PC with a 2 GHz Pentium® 4 or higher processor
● 1 GB of RAM
You must have Administrative privileges on the server in order to install the software.
Network system requirements
The digital sending software has the following network requirements:
● Windows® 2000 Professional, Server, or Advanced Server; Windows XP Professional;
or Windows Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise Server
● Fast Ethernet 100Base-TX or Ethernet 10Base-T
● Access to an SMTP e-mail gateway
It is highly recommended that the SMTP gateway be located on your own local area
network. However, you can configure your product for e-mail functionality even if your mail
services are provided by an outside Internet service provider (ISP) over a digital subscription
line (DSL).
● Access to a network LDAP server to support optional user authentication
8 Chapter 2 Setup ENWW