
General Settings
Use the General Settings screen to set digital-sending administrator information. The following
illustration and table describe how to use this screen.
Figure 4-1 General Settings screen
Table 4-1 General Settings
Callout Area on the screen Information or capability that the area provides
1 HP EWS tabs and menus For more information, see Navigating through the HP Embedded Web Server.
2 Help Click to open a help file that contains information about the screens on the Digital
Sending tab.
3 Name Type the administrator's name.
4 Phone Number (optional) Type the administrator's phone number (optional).
5 E-mail address Type the administrator's e-mail address. The device does not accept e-mail
addresses that are not properly formatted.
6 Location (optional) Type the administrator's location (optional).
56 Chapter 4 Setting the digital sending options ENWW
Digital Sending