Configuring VLANs
Configuration Guidelines
• You cannot dynamically add a port to a protocol VLAN if the port has any routing configuration parameters.
For example, the port cannot have a virtual interface, IP sub-net address, IPX network address, or AppleTalk
network address configured on it.
• Once you dynamically add a port to a protocol VLAN, you cannot configure routing parameters on the port.
• Dynamic VLAN ports are not required or supported on AppleTalk cable VLANs.
Configuring an IP, IPX, or AppleTalk Protocol VLAN with Dynamic Ports
To configure an IP, IPX, or AppleTalk protocol VLAN with dynamic ports, use one of the following methods.
To configure port-based VLAN 10, then configure an IP protocol VLAN within the port-based VLAN with dynamic
ports, enter the following commands such as the following:
HP9300(config)# vlan 10 by port
HP9300(config-vlan-10)# untag ethernet 1/1 to 1/6
added untagged port ethe 1/1 to 1/6 to port-vlan 30.
HP9300(config-vlan-10)# ip-proto name IP_Prot_VLAN
HP9300(config-vlan-10)# dynamic
HP9300(config)# write memory
Syntax: vlan <vlan-id> by port [name <string>]
Syntax: untagged ethernet <portnum> to <portnum>
Syntax: untagged ethernet <portnum> ethernet <portnum>
NOTE: Use the first untagged command for adding a range of ports. Use the second command for adding
separate ports (not in a range).
Syntax: ip-proto [name <string>]
Syntax: ipx-proto [name <string>]
Syntax: appletalk-cable-vlan <num> [name <string>]
Syntax: dynamic
The procedure is similar for IPX and AppleTalk protocol VLANs. Enter ipx-proto or atalk-proto instead of
Configuring an IP Sub-Net VLAN with Dynamic Ports
To configure an IP sub-net VLAN with dynamic ports, use one of the following methods.
To configure port-based VLAN 10, then configure an IP sub-net VLAN within the port-based VLAN with dynamic
ports, enter commands such as the following:
HP9300(config)# vlan 10 by port name IP_VLAN
HP9300(config-vlan-10)# untag ethernet 1/1 to 1/6
added untagged port ethe 1/1 to 1/6 to port-vlan 10.
HP9300(config-vlan-10)# ip-subnet name Mktg-LAN
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