170 Chapter 7 – Supplies Rev. 1.0
Using the supplies status pages
The supplies status pages show the percent remaining and estimated number of pages remaining for each of the cartridges
and the kit. The pages also contain part numbers for reordering. The following graphics show the kind of information you
can find on the supplies status pages.
To print the supplies status pages by using the control panel
1 Press (S
button) to open the menus.
2 Use (U
button) or (D
button) to scroll to INFORMATION, and then press .
3 Use or to scroll to PRINT SUPPLIES STATUS PAGE, and then press .
4 The supplies status pages print and the printer closes the menus.
To use the embedded Web server to view the supplies status page
1 In your Web browser, enter the IP address for the printer. This takes you to the printer status page. The IP address
for the printer appears on the control panel.
2 On the left side of the screen, click Supplies Status. This takes you to the supplies status page, which provides