Incorrect cabling examples
Do NOT cable together two ports on the same HP FC-AL hub. Ports between the two connections will be eliminated
from the FC-AL loop.
Figure 30. Incorrect cabling example: connected ports on the same HP FC-AL hub
Do NOT leave cables that are connected to the HP FC-AL hub disconnected at the opposite end of the cable.
Figure 31. Incorrect cabling example: disconnected cable
Do NOT attach more than one cable between any two HP FC-AL hubs.
Figure 32. Incorrect cabling example: more than one cable connection between HP FC-AL hubs
Attach HP FC-AL long-wave hubs only from the long-wave port (Port 10) of one long-wave hub to the long-wave port
(Port 10) of another long-wave hub. Do NOT connect any long-wave FC-AL devices to long-wave hubs.
Figure 33. Incorrect cabling example: long-wave port connections to wrong device/port
In the above example, the long-wave port (Port 10) of Hub A is incorrectly connected to Port 1, a short-wave port, on
Hub B. A device other than another long-wave hub is attached to the long-wave port (Port 10) of Hub B. The long-wave
port of Hub A should be connected to the long-wave port of Hub B.
Hub B
To Device 1 To Device 2