8 Chapter1
To support the HP VISUALIZE fxe graphics card, your workstation must meet the
following prerequisites.
• Your workstation must be running one of the following revisions of the HP-UX
operating system and have the appropriate Additional Core Enhancement (ACE)
software bundle and Workstation Quality Pack installed:
— HP-UX revision 10.20 with the 9909 ACE software bundle (September 1999)
— HP-UX revision 11.00 with the 9911 ACE software bundle (November 1999)
To verify that the proper ACE software bundle is installed on your workstation,
perform the following steps:
1. At a command prompt, type the following
/usr/sbin/swlist -l bundle | grep ACE
2. Scan the output for either of the following, as appropriate for your workstation’s
HP-UX operating system revision:
• The HP-UX 10.20 B6193DA ACE software bundle with the description:
Workstation ACE for HP-UX 10.20 (September 1999)
This line indicates that the September 1999 ACE software bundle is installed.
• The HP-UX 11.00 B3782FA ACE software bundle with the description
Workstation ACE for HP-UX 11.00 (November 1999)
This line indicates that the November 1999 ACE software bundle is installed
Because the ACE software bundles are updated occasionally, the ACE
revision date that is listed in the output may be later than the one
shown above. For example, if the ACE revision date listed for HP-UX
10.20 is later than September 1999, then the proper ACE software
bundle is installed on your workstation.
If your workstation is not running HP-UX revision 10.20 or 11.0 with the appropriate