IMPORTANT: If you are using HBA mode, do not install any disk that has previously been a part
of a RAID volume into the system.
Use set_mode to change the mode of the controller. If the controller is already in the required
mode the following message appears:
The controller at <seg:bus:dev:func> is already in HBA|RAID mode
saupdate set_mode <controller> <hba|raid> [-f]
<controller> can be any one of the strings listed in Table 14 (page 133).
An alert message about the possible data loss is displayed when a mode change command is
issued. A confirmation is required before the actual mode change is made. This ensures unintentional
change of mode does not happen.
The –f option indicates the user is aware of the changes that are being made and there is not
need of a warning message or a confirmation regarding the mode change.
IMPORTANT: After changing the mode, perform a reconnect-r command at UEFI.
NOTE: Commands are not case-sensitive
Updating the firmware using saupdate
1. Download the firmware image file into the system's UEFI partition.
2. Boot the system to the UEFI Shell and change directories to the UEFI partition.
3. Use the saupdate list command to display all detected Smart Array controllers along
with the active firmware versions, the identification information from this list is used to designate
which controller is to be updated.
4. Use saupdate update <seg:bus:dev:func:index> <firmware image> to update
the firmware.
5. Restart the system.
Determining the Driver ID and CTRL ID
Use the drvcfg utility and UEFI shell commands to find the Driver ID corresponding Ctrl ID for the
SAS Host Bus Adapter.
134 Utilities