Communications Checks
Checks Action
Is your computer configured to the
parameters described in the
configuration instructions?
These parameters are required to
communicate with the printer. Verify your
computer’s communications port
configuration matches these parameters.
Note: If these parameters are not set
properly, they may yield a 40, 20, or
22 ERROR on the printer’s Control Panel.
For Serial Communications only
Does the printer’s baud rate match that
of the computer’s communications port?
Run the printer’s Self Test to verify the
baud rate setting. At the computer, verify
that the baud rate is set correctly in any
configuration files.
Note: A baud rate problem may cause a
Are you using the correct cable for
communications between the computer
and the printer?
See the cable wiring in Chapter 3.
Hint: On an RS-232 cable, pins 2 and 3
may need to be reversed at the
printer-end of the cable.
Are you using the correct RS-232-C
During the communications “handshake,”
the printer transmits both the XON/XOFF
signal, and the DTR signal. The DTR
(Data Terminal Ready) signal may be
either negative going, or positive going.
DTR polarity is set at the printer’s Control
Panel. The XON may be set to normal
(only transmitted when data is needed),
or Robust XON (transmitted every
second). This feature is configurable from
the Control Panel. DTR is available at pin
20, and XOFF is transmitted from pin 2
of the printer.
Table 7-30 Communications Checks
7-54 Troubleshooting