Faxing and Printing Your Documents 13-5
Chapter 13: PaperMaster
Live Quick-Start Tutorial
2. Position the mouse where you’d like to have text, click the left mouse
button once, and begin filling out the DocuMagix registration card. To
delete a text annotation, just point and click on the box around it, go
into the Edit menu, and choose Delete Annotation. You can also click
on the right mouse button to display a pop-up menu with annotation
To edit the annotation, click inside the box and make your text changes. To
move it, click on the outside border of the box and drag it to its new location.
You can also resize the text by dragging on any corner.
Faxing and Printing Your Documents
Once your fax hardware and software are installed, faxing from
PaperMaster Live is easy. If you have a printer installed, you can print
documents just as easily. Here we’ll demonstrate these functions by
helping you fax the registration card directly to DocuMagix, and print
out a hard copy to mail. See online Help to learn how to set fax/modem
Both Fax and Print options can be invoked from the document viewer (as we
will demonstrate) or from the folder window (no need to open the document
1. Choose Fax under the File menu. This Fax dialog box lets you set the
range, scaling options, quality, number of copies, collation, and whether
to fax annotations.
The Print Annotations, Type Text box needs to be selected to fax your filled-in
Registration Card.
2. Click “OK” on the fax dialog screen. (PaperMaster Live will now invoke
your own installed fax software).
3. Fill in the fax information, and click “Send.” This step may vary
according to your fax software. Fax your registration card to DocuMagix
at (800) 362-8621 or outside North America at (408) 434-0915.