10-4 Recovering Your Data
Recovering Your Data
If you are certain that you have lost your data due to a major system
problem, such as a hard drive failure, it will be necessary to recover your
data by using the most recent Disaster Recovery Set. Please note that the
process for recovering data in Windows NT differs from that for Windows
95 and Windows 98.
What you will need
To recover the data on your system, you will need the following items:
For Windows 95/98 and Windows NT
■ HP Disaster Recovery Set
■ HP CD-Writer Plus drive
Data Recovery
For Windows 95 and Windows 98
If necessary, you can prepare your hard disk using the following tools
which are located on the Disaster Recovery Diskette:
■ FDISK—Re-partitions your hard disk
■ FORMAT—Formats one or more partitioned drives
■ SYS—Installs the system boot files onto the hard disk
NOTE: For instructions on the use of these utilities, please refer to your
operating system user manual or contact your operating system’s manufacturer.
To recover your data:
1. Replace any lost hard drives with comparable drives.
NOTE: In order to recover all of your information, HP Disaster Recovery must
have at least as much hard disk space as existed before the drive failure.
2. Insert the Windows Startup Disk (diskette #1 of the DR Set) into your
machine’s 3.5” boot floppy drive and restart your computer.