H P D e s k J e t 6 9 0 C S e r i e s P r i n t e r s D O S P r i n t i n g
To set up the Control Panel for DOS as a memory resident
1. Type DJCP at the DOS prompt to open the stand-alone DOS
Control Panel.
2. Select More Settings.
3. Select Memory Resident Functions.
4. Select Make Memory Resident.
5. Select Done and reboot the computer.
The memory resident DOS Control Panel is a subset of the stand-alone
application due to memory considerations.
Whether stand-alone or memory resident, the Control Panel for DOS
allows the user to control or view the following:
Print Cartridge Services (clean and align the pens)
Print Quality
Page Orientation
Font Width (normal or compressed)
Status Reports (limited in the resident DOS Control Panel)
Context-Sensitive Help
In addition to these, the stand-alone Control Panel for DOS provides
access to:
Paper Size
Media Type (paper or transparencies)
Character Set
Lines per Page
Line Termination
Reset All Settings
Memory Resident Controls