2 HP All-in-One overview
Use the HP All-in-One to quickly and easily make copies, scan documents, or print photos
from a memory card. HP papers that are specifically designed for the type of project you
are printing produce the best results. The Two-sided printing accessory included with the
HP All-in-One lets you print on both sides of the page, so you can print brochures and
booklets, or just save paper.
The HP All-in-One also provides built-in templates that you can use to print narrow- and
wide-ruled notebook paper, graph paper, or music sheets that are perfect for your child’s
homework assignments. You can even print a task checklist to keep track of your list of
things to do. You can access many HP All-in-One functions directly from the control panel,
without turning on your computer.
This section contains the following topics:
The HP All-in-One at a glance
Control panel overview
Menu overview
Use the HP Photosmart Software
The HP All-in-One at a glance
Label Description
1 Color graphics display (also referred to as the
2 Control panel
3 Output tray (currently shown in the up position)
4 Paper-width guide for the main input tray
5 Main input tray (also referred to as the input tray)
HP All-in-One overview 5