When using the Samba “netbios aliases =” workaround or the Terminal Services hosts file for
Samba aliases, the MAX_CONNECTIONS issue does not occur (when each Terminal Server user is
allocated a separate smbd process).
Note: Samba 3.0.2 is enhanced to eliminate the maximum (128) issue. HP CIFS Server A.01.10
was based upon Samba 2.2.8a, and is now obsolete.
5.5 Logging
Samba has many smb.conf logfile naming options for the logging feature. A common log file
configuration is:
log file = /usr/local/samba/log.%m
The %m substitution variable supplies the NetBIOS name of the client machine, and the resulting
logfile is named “log.machinename”. When a single smbd process is serving multiple Terminal
Server users, this configuration will result in all of the Terminal Server user sessions log events
being written to a single logfile with the NetBIOS name of the Terminal Server itself substituting
for machinename.
A more usable log file naming convention for Terminal Server usage is to use the %U substitution
log file = /usr/local/samba/log.%U
This will result in individual logfiles for every unique Terminal Server user name.