Vivid (sRGB)
The Vivid (sRGB) feature instructs the printer to increase the color saturation in the midtones. Less
colorful objects are rendered more colorfully. This value is recommended for printing business graphics.
Select None to instruct the printer to print RGB data in raw device mode. To render documents
properly when this option is selected, you must manage color in the program in which you are working
or in the operating system.
CAUTION: Use this option only if you are familiar with the procedures for managing color in the
software program or in the operating system.
Custom Profile
Select Custom Profile when you want to duplicate the printed output from other products or for using
special effects. This setting instructs the product to use a custom profile to emulate color output from
another product by modifying how color is rendered.
The default custom profile is an emulation of the color table used on the HP Color LaserJet 4650
product. The product holds only one custom profile at a time, so when you download and install
another color table, it erases the default color table and installs the new one.
You can download custom profiles from the following Web site:
Document preview image
The document preview image is a line-drawn image of a page that represents graphics and text. The
document preview image is always oriented so that the contents of the page are right-side-up. The
document preview image appears in the upper-right corner of the following Printing Preferences
driver tabs:
Printing Shortcuts
Switching between tabs does not change the location or appearance of the document preview image.
When you move the mouse over the document preview image, the mouse cursor changes from an
arrow to a gloved hand. You can toggle between portrait and landscape page orientation by clicking
the image.
92 Chapter 4 HP PCL 6 print driver for Windows ENWW